Many foreign employees work under unfair and abusive conditions, with employers withholding pay and confiscating passports.
As a consequence, the defense team contemplated withdrawing from the case altogether as to protest the unfair conditions.
Feminist groups also mobilized boycotts of Nike products after learning of the unfair conditions for the primarily female workers.
They also claimed unfair conditions led to a loss in the February 2011 parliamentary election and that the presidential election would be a "historic fraud."
These unequal and unfair conditions have been created by competition.
The 2006 campaign, 'Cut the Strings', focused on the harmful and unfair conditions often attached to debt relief.
Arguably unfair conditions, as much as the opposition, denied the four.
He understand that many students have the potential to succeed but unfair unforeseen conditions might not allow them to succeed in their lives.
Supermarket chains very often impose unfair conditions and make it difficult for farmers and small suppliers to access the market.
However, some opposition parties boycotted it, claiming unfair conditions.