However, some countries have "ring-fenced" recoveries of unfair preferences so that they are made available to the pool of assets for unsecured creditors.
And he bristles at the argument that affirmative action establishes unfair preferences for blacks, "which is stupid," he insists.
He unfairly implied that the bill would have given "unfair preferences" in the workplace to minorities and women, but at least he tried to elevate the dialogue.
We can promote both opportunity and diversity in higher education without using unfair and legally suspect racial preferences.
It argues that employers will resort to unfair racial preference - against white men - rather than risk defending their job criteria in court.
The effect of a successful application to have a transaction declared as an unfair preference varies.
An unfair preference has some of the same characteristics as a fraudulent conveyance, but legally they are separate concepts.
However, similar to fraudulent conveyance applications, unfair preferences are often seen in connection with asset protection schemes that are entered into too late by the putative bankrupt.
It repeatedly called the measure a "quota bill," saying it "would drive employers to adopt quotas and other unfair preferences."
They asserted that they were denied admission because affirmative action policies gave unfair preferences to less-qualified minority applicants.