President Bush, if faced with unfair foreign restrictions in the meat sector, is authorized to take reciprocal measures.
This time next year, maybe these kinds of unfair restrictions will all be gone.
Representative Gephardt's amendment, guaranteed veto-bait, targets Japan and a few other countries with large surpluses in trade with America and allegedly unfair restrictions on imports.
Both versions imply, wrongly, that there is a fair way to define unfair restrictions and to measure the impact.
Neither one allows that America has unfair restrictions too - lots of them.
The process was ordered by Congress in reaction to large American trade deficits and proliferating complaints from American business about unfair foreign restrictions.
Although 70% of voters endorsed retention of the Movement system, the referendum was widely criticized for low voter turnout and unfair restrictions on Movement opponents.
Leaders of the Islamic party said the government had imposed unfair restrictions on their activities, forcing their candidates to campaign in unfavorable circumstances.
The measure is opposed by gun-rights advocates as an unfair restriction on the rights of gun buyers who may want to buy multiple guns for sport or collecting.
Now, when some governments have made a last minute decision to prevent the free movement of labour, once again it is only the Liberals who have unanimously rejected these unfair restrictions.