In 1991, according to a Gallup poll, some three-quarters of Americans favored capital punishment, although many believed it was applied unfairly.
Officials here also demand that the United States end punitive measures against a Chinese arms company that China says were unfairly applied.
Responding to concerns that the death penalty was being applied unfairly, the Nebraska Legislature voted today to impose a two-year moratorium on executions.
If there is a problem with collective sanctions, Dean Levmore said, it is that they may be applied unfairly to the powerless or unpopular.
"But when I step back and look at it as a lawyer generally, my personal feeling is that it can be unfairly applied."
Many Arab-Americans say they believe that the law has been applied unfairly against them.
In the 1960's, as Virginia's only black State Senator, he opposed the death penalty, saying it was applied unfairly to blacks.
But over the years some Britons have charged that provisions for exchange have been unevenly and unfairly applied.
The death penalty has been applied unfairly - against minorities and the poor who cannot afford good legal counsel.