It not only presents unfamiliar material but also reflects an impressive range of fresh scholarly research.
There were few claims that extremely difficult or unfamiliar material could be mastered at accelerated rates.
Pug stopped and picked up a strange-looking dagger fashioned from some unfamiliar material.
Besides the beauty, there exist schools of knowledge housed in extraordinary buildings created with materials unfamiliar to our earthly minds.
Tonight's two hours are the least satisfying, despite a wealth of unfamiliar material from the first three decades of the century.
However, reception at the festival was positive, though Hufford felt the band put too much unfamiliar material in their set.
They concluded that generating may have limited effectiveness when applied to new or unfamiliar material.
It assesses students' ability in the key skill of close reading of unfamiliar literary material.
It would be even more helpful with more about materials unfamiliar to some amateurs.
Child development experts call it mastery, a way for them to feel in control of unfamiliar material.