In this way, the threat that the strange and unfamiliar object poses is being erased.
When a horse jumps in fright, usually at a sudden movement or an unfamiliar object.
Children placed in new situations with unfamiliar objects are more likely to experience such reactions.
In topological language, we try to find covers of unfamiliar objects.
He looked around and for the first time paid proper attention to the unfamiliar object he had only glanced at before.
Having literally never seen a book before, he then threw the unfamiliar object aside.
Cirocco felt her body, as she might explore an unfamiliar and possibly dangerous object.
Nevertheless, we do not have difficulties judging the colours of unfamiliar objects.
Nothing seemed to have been disturbed, but he was careful in his movements and on the alert for unfamiliar objects.
The experiment was conducted on all patients with both familiar and unfamiliar objects.