Kids are being prodded by their teachers and parents" to blame the company for unfamiliar odors.
He smells an unfamiliar strong odour everywhere, and later realises it is disinfectant.
He knew the animal could see well, but the grille of the catwalk, the unfamiliar mechanical odors had made it cautious.
An unfamiliar odor tinged the air, or a combination of odors.
It was warm, scented with unfamiliar odors, rich and invigorating.
The eye notices movement, the ear an alteration in volume, the nose an unfamiliar odor.
A steady wind blew down the Tube, and it bore innumerable unfamiliar odors into the laboratory.
Roget was about to open his mouth when another blast of unfamiliar odors came from the egg.
Charis plucked one and held it to her nose, sniffing an unfamiliar odor which she could not decide was pleasant or the reverse.
The heat was stifling, the air filled with a totally unfamiliar but pungently unpleasant odor.