I've been awake in the middle of the night a lot again lately, because a few weeks ago I started down an unfamiliar road.
A proliferation of signs, though, stated that the road was closed and suggested they use unfamiliar roads.
I loved, more than the destination, the break in routine - the going with familiar faces down unfamiliar roads in the middle of the day.
New-product consultants have arisen to help companies along this otherwise unfamiliar road.
Speed must be reduced significantly to suit the conditions, especially on unfamiliar roads.
That pretty much sums up my approach to driving on unfamiliar roads.
The reality is more likely to involve long, stressful journeys on unfamiliar roads, often with overexcited children in the back.
All because he had let the girl drive an unfamiliar road alone.
It sounds simple, but these are challenging drives on unfamiliar roads, with hazards like moose and downpours.
It was a forty-five-minute drive along unfamiliar roads back to Dennis.