Even in the fur child's comfortable, familiar surroundings, there are just enough unfamiliar things to make his day interesting.
She did so, and the old man adjusted the unfamiliar things on to his nose and ears.
Customers have to ask what is fresh that day, order the most unfamiliar thing on the menu or request something very specific.
But sending emergency warnings is probably one of the most uncommon and unfamiliar things to do.
But she had known there would be many unfamiliar things.
A respectful voice, an unfamiliar thing to him, sounded at his elbow.
Sometimes collections are made by the teacher herself to introduce new and possibly unfamiliar things for the children to explore.
If he must eat of unfamiliar things, he preferred food of his own killing.
It was an unfamiliar thing, a rather frightening thing to someone who had lived all her life in a world she knew so ultimately.
In fact, their gray-brown fur was one of the least unfamiliar things about the Ersa.