Ms. Rosenberg rightly maintains that putting on challenging and unfamiliar recent works does not necessarily cost more than sticking with the standards.
So what I try to do is come up with combinations that show similarities between familiar and unfamiliar works.
Exhuming unfamiliar works of music is a risky business.
It was long and difficult, including several unfamiliar works.
This scrappy company is dedicated to presenting familiar and sometimes unfamiliar works in a wonderfully intimate theater.
Anyway, any unfamiliar works of Gabriel's could no doubt be published and make a fortune.
To a degree, the festival programs address the situation by combining familiar and unfamiliar works in accessible styles.
The unfamiliar and new works have sold no worse than the standards and often better.
This critic missed them, but in the event the balance of familiar and unfamiliar works very well.
My work on Bosnia during the war in former Yugoslavia has entailed similar efforts at creating the cultural space for unfamiliar works to emerge.