But your keeping company with a student, albeit an older one, leaves you vulnerable to criticism and puts the university in an unfavorable light.
That would place him in an unfavorable light with his family and friends.
"We are saddened by the prime minister's comments, which seem to depict an entire group in an unfavorable light."
But that study did cast Valujet in an unfavorable light.
Seeking comment from those written about, especially when they are put in an unfavorable light, is a particularly important aspect of fair coverage.
Certain Facts have come to light which are bound to show him up in a most unfavorable light.
"We must be careful that we do not emerge in an unfavorable light?"
No opportunity was lost to show the younger lady in an unfavorable light.
He wouldn't feel that way toward you and your series if it had shed an unfavorable light on his wife.
Some of the film's cast and crew, including Spielberg, retrospectively view the film in an unfavorable light.