These patients have an unfavorable outcome, similar to those with hypodiploidy.
However, in many cancers (renal cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are exceptions), a high level of CD44 expression is not always associated with an unfavorable outcome.
However, females would have experienced more unfavorable outcomes than males, which is not what we observed.
A white result is always a failure or unfavorable outcome.
In epidemiological terms, heterozygotes would have a relative risk of 0.87 of an unfavorable outcome compared to homozygotes.
The proliferation marker, Ki-67, may show increased labelling, and when it does, it is associated with an unfavorable outcome.
A study conducted on children examined factors showing healthy adjustment after children experienced stresses and conditions known to carry a risks of unfavorable outcomes.
This unfavorable outcome revealed that the strategy of targeting the office market was the key to higher sales.
Furthermore, patients who experienced a favorable outcome had significantly higher baseline Karnofsky performance status than those with an unfavorable outcome.
Among the 45 subjects with an unfavorable outcome 1-year after the beginning of anti-TB treatment, 38 had died.