The return trip was studded with difficulties, principally due to unfavorable weather.
"The experience of many years has shown that unfavorable weather occurs almost every other year," the longtime Communist chief grumbled 12 years ago.
Construction of the new building has allowed camp activities to continue during unfavorable weather.
However, unfavorable weather delayed the operation until 4 September.
Three other flight crews previously turned down this mission due to unfavorable weather.
For it is not likely that at this time of year they will encounter any very unfavorable weather, you know.
Fruitfulness is low because of bad geographical position and unfavorable weather.
They dig burrows that they use at night and during unfavorable weather.
However, optical systems' efficiency may be degraded by unfavorable weather.
Another bombardment was slated to take place there, but unfavorable weather made it impossible.