This list of vacant ambassadorships is the first of a series of occasional tallies of unfilled posts throughout the Administration, including Cabinet departments and the judiciary.
This list of the top positions at the Central Intelligence Agency is one in a series of occasional tallies of unfilled posts throughout the Administration, including jobs for ambassadors and judges.
In January 1991, the 10 local education authorities in Greater Manchester reported 230 full-time permanent posts unfilled, a vacancy rate of 1 per cent.
He left three posts unfilled in the hope that the Alliance for Democracy would also join the government.
This list of judicial vacancies is the third of a series of occasional tallies of unfilled posts throughout the Administration, including Cabinet departments and ambassadorships.
Again, the Noms were given the task of drawing up a list of unfilled posts, with a parallel list of suitable candidates.
The United States Mission has 27 posts unfilled - 25 percent of its staff.
This list of important Justice Department Positions is the second of a series of occasional tallies of unfilled posts throughout the Administration, including ambassadorships and the judiciary.
Further, in a country where Government jobs are widely coveted, Mr. Sarney has told aides that 10,000 unfilled posts will now be exchanged for strict pledges of loyalty.
Do you leave the post unfilled?