The unfiltered and pure water of the Bull Run watershed, has been featured in two seasons.
Electroosmotic flow can occur in natural unfiltered water, as well as buffered solutions.
On top of the sand bed sits a supernatant layer of raw, unfiltered water.
These rabbis have recently discovered that there are tiny creatures, called copepods, in the unfiltered water that streams into the city from upstate.
Boston owns about 50 percent of the source of its unfiltered water.
She did that and she could see plankton and various larval stages swimming about the unfiltered water.
The filtered water wasn't crystal clear, but it was clearer than the unfiltered water.
There continues to be many countries that are struggling with diseases due to unhealthy living conditions and unfiltered water all in the name of bad sanitation.
It pumped unfiltered water from the Ottawa River into the city's new water supply system.
Pipes were laid and unfiltered water distributed by gravity flowed down into the town.