Asked whether he would ever take an unfinished bottle of wine home in a doggie bag, Yvan Assioma, 36, a police union representative, replied, "Why?
In addition, we made many friends in restaurants when we offered those at neighboring tables our unfinished bottles.
The waiter came and poured their wine, leaving the unfinished bottle in an ice bucket on the table between them.
Q I He was emptying his unfinished bottle of Mountain Dew into the sink, flushing it away with cold water.
He recorked the unfinished bottle of white wine and put it into the refrigerator.
I belched lightly, reluctantly put down the unfinished bottle, and was flat against the wall behind the door when it opened.
Valentine watched a man in deerskin boots swap a pipe for an unfinished bottle.
Fleming found his way back to his hut, took an unfinished bottle of whisky from his desk drawer and poured it down the sink.
Drinks are extra and guests are instructed to write their room numbers on their unfinished bottles of wine or mineral water.
Early forms of bottle service existed in World War II era Japan, where unfinished bottles would be stored.