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But there was nothing else for us to do except to fake unfitness.
There was no doubting the state of the country's unfitness.
The question of unfitness to plead is determined by a judge.
He himself confessed his unfitness for dealing with questions of finance.
The king said, "I do not need to be persuaded of his unfitness for the position.
The Bull knelt behind them, shaking his head at their unfitness.
Standards for unfitness are abandonment, abuse and neglect of a child.
Neither twin questions their total unfitness for the lives they're embarking upon.
Of course, we have to reject many of them due to physical unfitness.
Had Darwin ever considered the idea of temporary unfitness?
His lack of information and unfitness for independent survival in this environment was being hammered into him.
The very point of being alpha male is considered evidence, in modern America, of unfitness for the job!
Because there is an unnatural unfitness in an aristocracy to be legislators for a nation.
This Act reformed (and expanded) the former narrow "unfitness standard".
It is not normally necessary to demonstrate personal misconduct or unfitness for this purpose.
On the other hand, it is their very unfitness that drives them to drink it.
They cite this failure to survive and to spread itself over the world as proof of its unfitness.
Unfitness is a more rigorous standard, requiring proof of child abuse or neglect.
Everything about her competitors seemed to proclaim their sickly unfitness for survival.
She proves her unfitness for this role with her first patient of the day, the deer.
If he was hearing this right, McCoy could be suggesting something more than unfitness.
If we were tied for life to the level of their unfitness, faked or real, how long could we care to go on?
Doctor Thomas said, "Yes, but who is to be the judge of a man's fitness or unfitness?"
"Unfitness to pursue our research in the unfathomable waters."
But no claim of mental unfitness has been raised in the New Jersey civil suit.