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It is unfitting to leave them in such a condition.
I thought that this might just an unfitting end to my adventure.
"But this person spoke in a way that is unfitting even for us politicians."
It is unfitting to one of your training and station."
Rather it would be unfitting and strange if one did not."
It had not been an unfitting name for him.
It was unfitting for him to converse with such individuals, he could only give orders.
Nor were the group assembled there, unfitting tenants of the spot.
It's an odd emblem for the play, but not entirely unfitting.
It was unfitting, in an officer of the Legitimacy.
Father exclaimed, stung by having those unfitting words flung back at him.
It would, he thought with a smile, be most unfitting to explode on landing under the circumstances.
Erotic images attacked him, unfitting for this company, and he struggled with them.
I did not deem it unfitting that he had used me in his nesting.
"Your tongue is strangely changed; but the name sounds not unfitting so.
I found it unfitting that sturdy machines, built for use, should become this kind of spectacle.
A stranger urge seemed unfitting, especially in this business.
Gallant was that ship, unfitting her death where the stars cannot see."
For a man to do otherwise would then be true insult, not to speak of decidedly unfitting."
With his behavior, Sharon is making himself illegitimate and unfitting to lead in a time of crisis."
Extremes of any kind would have been unfitting in Roundhay.
This prospect he at first looked upon with resignation, as a pastime unfitting for the mind of a philosopher.
It seems not unfitting, then, that you should belong to a Cosian.
He said that would have been unfitting for a Sicilian man of honour."
But there is something incongruous, unfitting, about the term "craftsmanship" when applied to words.