In short, you, the readers, with your unflagging enthusiasm and curiosity, ingenious solutions, impressive knowledge, and strong feeling for beauty and good design.
The wonderful thing about Laura Lou was her unflagging enthusiasm, her zeal for new experiences.
All three, however, she treats with the same unflagging enthusiasm.
And from his unflagging enthusiasm for all kinds of wines, it's obvious that his tastes are eclectic.
Given performing elements of variable quality and experience, Mr. Labovitz gathered and projected an unflagging enthusiasm.
At times, in fact, one almost begins to suspect that the main thing unifying these Pacific places is Mr. Winchester's unflagging enthusiasm for them.
His unflagging enthusiasm for our programs was an immense source of encouragement to all.
A common thread run-ning through your profiles is the unflagging enthusiasm of the rich for their respective careers.
It has an unflagging enthusiasm for life and life's pleasures, and loves interactive toys such as human fingers and the tails of its cat companions.
I figured his unflagging enthusiasm for buying hardware would imbue him with special bird-dog powers necessary to sniff out the prey.