Hollywood, helped by its friends in the rap video music world, projects a very unflattering image of black males as creatures who thrive on violence.
Barnes knows these statistics help explain the unflattering public image of the legal profession.
What is certain is that no artist would have voluntarily produced such an unflattering image of the king without it being commissioned by the pharaoh himself.
Critics accused the exhibition of portraying an unflattering image of American life and found leftist sentiment in many of the paintings.
Some Japanese felt his American success represented turning his back on his nation because of the unflattering images his roles presented.
Ms. Ross's shaping hand is obvious in these unflattering images.
The cliche "fiddling while Rome burns" expresses an unflattering image that must have occurred to many a musician and concertgoer in recent weeks.
But after years of near silence, he now seems motivated to straighten a few things out about his sometimes unflattering public image.
He said his own generation had been bombarded by unflattering images of today's young adults, and acknowledged that this year's college graduates faced "uncertain times."
From birth onwards we are all presented with unflattering images of old age.