Any wide-ranging study is bound to find unflattering profiles of self-inflicted wounds, poor preparation, even a kind of mass stupor in the face of rising threats.
They are lucid pictures, with a definite northern light, and a predilection for possibly unflattering profiles - a result of uncommissioned work: 'No one ever thinks their nose is that big.'
He protests that the unflattering profile is based mostly on comments from people who have left the company.
Instead we get another unflattering profile of one more talented woman.
One of Diefenbaker's chief targets during his 1963 campaign was the magazine Newsweek, which had published a grossly unflattering profile of him.
Three years ago the CBS program "60 Minutes" drew an unflattering profile of Aipac.
The British press reacted with a barrage of unflattering profiles of Mr. Wylie.
She also shows Amandus that Clorinda has given a very unflattering profile of Amandus in a letter that Clorinda wrote to Amanda.
When Time ran an unflattering profile of the First Lady, the rub was slow.
On page 597 is an unflattering profile and front view of Joe Hillstrom, alias Joe Hill, booked January 14, 1914, for murder.