His "Heart's Work" was his love for his family, his work in entertainment advertising, and his unflinching commitment in the field of mental illness and health.
He is often referred to as the "knight of freedom" due to his unflinching commitment to the ideals of freedom, justice and democracy.
Now we need unflinching commitment to left wing policies, preferably ones that would cost the state nothing, e.g.:
That attention was deserved in view of their unflinching commitment to negotiations for a nonracial, democratic South Africa.
"I expect unflinching commitment from you to this task of reconsolidating our armed forces," Mr. Chirac told his troops.
They said Mr. Shelton "worked with an unflinching commitment to honesty and the truth during his 17 years" at the company and "did not participate in the fraud that occurred."
Jackson in particular, the founder of the movement, held an unflinching commitment to what he viewed as the sanctity of the majority opinion.
His body of work maintains a cult following and he continues to be respected for his original material, performance style, and unflinching commitment to character.
Progress depended upon an ascetic, unflinching commitment to 'realism'.
On behalf of the European Parliament, I would therefore like to emphasise our unflinching commitment here to the campaign against the death penalty.