She also had a stunned, unfocused look on her face.
He waited, pressed against the secretary's desk, as if seeking protection; his eyes had the unfocused look of panic.
Then the old face turned toward the fire and an unfocused look gathered in the eyes.
Mort gave her an unfocused look, trying to remember what on earth she was talking about.
Adara's green eyes had the unfocused look of someone lost in recollections.
The man's eyes had an unfocused, watery look to them she associated with people who weren't well.
He stopped and his eyes took on an unfocused look as though he were seeing across a great distance.
Now her eyes had an unfocused look, not turning to meet my gaze.
She was very pale, but, though her eyes had a slightly unfocused look about them, they were very bright.
Her eyes took on the unfocused look of a rider speaking to a dragon.