Charon actually had believed himself above it all, watching, taking an occasional part, but not being part of what unfolded below him.
Funny and down to earth, audiences will recognize these ladies as they witness the church year unfold from below the house of God.
Then, fascinated by the panorama that was unfolding below him, he forgot his body, and became absorbed in the strange sensation of flying through space.
Then they were through, and a forest canopy unfolded below them, leaves of every colour, trees of immense size.
An odd feeling of deja vu seized Archer at the scene now unfolding below him and his crew.
As he stared out over the spitting sea into the darkness the bow wave of the ship unfolded below him.
Before he had completed his turn the whole sphere was blazing, and two parachutes were unfolding below it.
She quickly surveyed the dramatic situation unfolding below her.
The other men on the rooftop stared at the fiasco unfolding below them, then looked to Margit.
Jillian watched the bloody massacre unfolding in the ward below her window with disbelieving eyes.