They were not prepared for what unfolded during their 102-88 loss in Game 1.
That was not quite how it unfolded for me when it finally happened, during the summer I turned 20.
"I think the events as they unfold during the next number of weeks will reveal our strategy," he said.
Follow events here as they unfold during the afternoon, including the announcement, the key data and reaction from around the world.
Mark's departure unfolded during a real time episode, which was broadcast on 22 June 2011.
It was unfolding during the early evening news programs.
The film unfolds during a year in which technology and science literally become a matter of life and death for the director.
The story unfolds during the day as they belatedly get to know each other over breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Two battles unfolded before the walls of Raon during the period.
This style of leadership contributed to the way events unfolded during the battle itself.