Stripp said that unforeseen opportunities like that one had balanced out the headache of having to arrange such logistics as hotels, training space and paperwork.
Still, the startling growth in some markets has created unforeseen opportunities.
And yet Perot's presence in the race also provides Quayle with an unforeseen opportunity.
Rigid planning means that unforeseen opportunities are lost and flexible response is built out of the system.
But crisis, she gradually discovers, can provide unforeseen opportunities.
The good news for developing countries is that change has opened up unforeseen opportunities.
This provided an unforeseen opportunity for the Jihad, however, since they now had a technological standard against which to test their own fighting methods.
With these changes we've seen the disappearance of many cherished music biz sinecures, and the emergence of new, unforeseen opportunities.
His absence gave the Wizards, trailing two games to none, an unforeseen opportunity in Game 3 of this Eastern Conference semifinal series.
He had no other choice but to pursue as quickly as the van allowed, and hope an unforeseen opportunity of some kind presented itself before it was too late.