New York City is an unforgiving place to be an artist.
The art world can be an unforgiving place to make a living, forcing many artists to take secondary jobs in museums, galleries and educational institutions.
The world is a harsh and unforgiving place.
He has left friends in that inhospitable and unforgiving place.
The church of Hextor teaches that the world is a harsh, unforgiving place.
"The world is a more unforgiving place than it used to be, and investment costs are too high for four years of drift," he said.
A tough and unforgiving place, even if Jefri had fallen in with fair-minded people.
There are still traps for the unwary here, and the Last Standing can be an unforgiving place.
The Continent can be a very cold and unforgiving place.
Woods's world can be an unforgiving place, where anything short of excellence must be explained.