Thus is the evil seed of skepticism planted in the unformed mind.
Well, if you and I can feel for his untried hand and his unformed mind, don't you think Plato will?
Surely you do not wish to blight his young unformed mind.
My as yet unformed mind automatically suspected anything out of the ordinary.
Three innocent, unformed minds, experiencing the universe for the first time.
He reached out and touched the unformed mind of the child fighting its way down the birth canal.
But faced with the choice of being frightened or being alone, his unformed mind had sought assistance from T'Lar.
A very unformed mind ... Ah, it is a baby from one of the true alien races.
As a point of fact, I always found it most rewarding, interacting with and helping to develop young, unformed minds.
He watched slumbering betas undergoing personality imprints: a soul was being etched into each unformed mind.