A strange thought, vague and unformed, stirred in his mind, and he knelt, holding out the fragment to Doli.
And for a moment he caught the little happiness that went with the running, playful mice, the little, unformed, un-coagulated thoughts of happy mice.
The first sight of his new vessel's control room, however, banished the unformed thought from his mind before it had taken any real root.
It was the silence of unformed thoughts.
He remembered the curious unformed thought of treachery he had surprised in Remigorius' mind, Mme.
Pathetic unformed thoughts never reached my lips.
Back in my office, I sat and watched shadows lengthen across the room, the feeling of an unformed thought still teasing my mind.
But the unformed thoughts roiled in the back of his mind, refusing to be banished by the sunlight and the spears and the swords.
But the Heath was a shadow, one that deepened as it was approached, and again he felt the turmoil of unfamiliar and unformed thoughts.
No, but . . . ' Mark shook his head, pushing an unformed thought away.