My decision to leave has nothing whatsoever to do with the many unfounded and misinformed attacks on your conduct as independent counsel.
At this time, the practice of vaccination was slowly recovering from numerous unfounded attacks.
These type of vicious, unfounded attacks don't merit a response.
President Reagan lashed out several times last week at the nominee's opponents, accusing them of "unfair and unfounded attacks."
Holloway was never disciplined or criticized by the Duke administration for her unfounded attack on Duke students.
But the Senate panel criticized the bureau for distributing to its field offices unfounded attacks on the group by political opponents.
Bishop denies the allegations as "outrageous, unfounded attacks on my character and my family".
Mr. Giuliani's aides said the mayor was reacting out of anger at what he saw as an unfounded attack on his crime record.
Any further malicious and unfounded political attacks will be redundant.
An unfounded attack is quite another, Ms. Cini says, and it warrants response.