The law also provides that the so-called "unfounded" reports can only be used in investigating complaints of abuse against the child mentioned in the report.
Under current law, the unfounded reports have no possibility of becoming evidence.
It then fell to 1.93 marks and 144.4 yen on unfounded reports that several banks had run into trouble.
Eventually, the unfounded reports of a "second gun" ceased.
Other instances of unfounded reports, experts say, may result from well-intentioned mistakes or bureaucratic mix-ups.
Call in a 10-90, unfounded report, and go back to the Deuce, which was her regular beat.
Under current law, caseworkers investigating the abuse of a child can review only unfounded reports involving that same child.
The practice was seen as protective of the patrons by shielding them from unfounded reports, and also a continual source of publicity for the club.
The average rate of unfounded reports for Index crimes is 2%.
Colonel Acoca said, 'I, too, have heard those unfounded reports.