Dancers tend to avoid women with unfriendly facial expressions or visibly hostile body language, again regardless of sexual preference.
Without a word, Everson slipped a few coins into the man's hand, causing the other's unfriendly expression to vanish magically.
She regarded him with quite an unfriendly expression, the kender thought, then turned away from him to Raistlin.
The sullen, unfriendly expression had vanished, and so had the terror.
Matthew looked down at her, his expression unfriendly.
A tall, dark man was standing over him, wearing a most unfriendly expression.
Colonel Korn gave Major Danby's shoulder a friendly squeeze without changing his unfriendly expression.
The postman made no answer but still had an unfriendly, angry expression.
He was also holding a strung bow, with an arrow nocked to it, and frowning-a most unfriendly expression.
He grinned, a wolfish but not unfriendly expression.