Keep an eye out for unfriendly neighbors.
"Let us learn what our unfriendly neighbors are planning."
They would simply unleash their paranormal forces against any hill inhabited by unfriendly neighbours and send it flying a few kilometres into the sky.
But the free-wheeling, independent gambling territory refused to knuckle under to the threats of blackmail and extortion from their unfriendly neighbors to the north.
There are a lot of strains in this society; Iraq is surrounded by unfriendly neighbors, at least two or three of which don't want us to succeed.
The village was walled to protect the villagers from bandits, pirates and/or unfriendly neighbours.
Due to its position between two unfriendly neighbours, Armenia has close security ties with Russia.
A long stretch of the film unfolds at a community meeting, where those who champion the kitchen come face to face with unfriendly neighbors.
An ethnic insurgency in Baluchistan refuses to subside; Pakistan attributes it to unfriendly neighbors.
They also had to deal with unfriendly neighbors.