The two characters, though similar in their unfulfilled desires, have vastly different perspectives and approaches.
I drove home in a haze of unfulfilled desire, already thinking of the next time.
On a deeper level it describes the pain of all unfulfilled desires and dreams inherent in the human condition.
I'm right to assume that a man of your station has some unfulfilled desires, even now?
Despite them all, however, he has an unfulfilled desire.
Matt brought his thoughts back from the realm of unfulfilled desire to the reality of the present.
Soon she was lost again in the urgency of desire unfulfilled.
Each singer, in his own generic way, reflected the unfulfilled desire his fans feel toward him.
Michael's interests took him toward the visual arts, following up an unfulfilled desire to attend art school in his teens.
He'll never kiss her or take their relationship to a physical level, reasoning that excitement is found in unfulfilled desire.