Harley-Davidson understood that while its community shared a core passion for the brand, they also had a wide variety of unfulfilled needs and challenges.
Many of these children and adults and the families who care for them are at the point of an acute crisis due to their unfulfilled needs.
Janov describes defenses as the agents of repression that consume energy while protecting the system from the catastrophic Pain of unfulfilled need.
Ms. Cloonan started Santa's Helpers after realizing the extent of unfulfilled needs in the community.
Her limbs were weak from their sparring and her body throbbed with unfulfilled needs.
At the center of Lilly's unhappiness is her unfulfilled need to be a mother, a point passed over.
I felt a "kinship" with Carl I'd never felt with my own husband, a sort of companionship that seemed to meet an unfulfilled need.
The truth is that nobody knows - and in so far as there will be an extra cost, that cost shows an unfulfilled need.
One factor after another shows unfulfilled needs.
It means helping counsellees to make connections between their unfulfilled needs, their emotions, and their social performance.