They came out into a narrow, unfurnished room.
The door dilated open, and Odo stepped into a tiny, almost unfurnished room.
"It's not much as yet," Michael went on, looking about him at the big, unfurnished room, "but we're going to make it something."
The glow of a shaded electric lantern revealed a large, unfurnished room.
It housed about 30 patients, and the three religious brothers in charge kept them locked in an unfurnished room.
Barin walked away from him, through the bare, unfurnished rooms and to the windows in front overlooking the main street.
He sat himself in the corner of the unfurnished room.
The other members of his party had already hurried ahead, leaving the small unfurnished room through its only other door.
Hattie walked slowly on the uneven floor of an unfurnished room, her arms folded.
He flung wide his apartment door, stared at the unfurnished room, the drape less windows.