Vincenti was given to ungovernable rages, sometimes over trifling or imagined offenses.
'Dyspepsia is responsible for many a reputation for romantic melancholy or ungovernable rages.'
Indignant, frantic, a victim to ungovernable rage, he rushed into the forest, uttering the most frightful shrieks.
I had not intended to disrupt the service, but monstrous pride and ungovernable rage had driven me to defiance.
A i sudden fit of ungovernable rage does not lead you to ab.
Once again, Con's ungovernable rage flares up, and Bella finds herself in even worse trouble than when she arrived in town.
Warmth, instead of further prolonging hibernation, would stir them to ungovernable rage.
Dread was replaced by cold, ungovernable rage.
He would later compare Roosevelt's "extraordinary self-control" with Truman's "violent temper and paroxysms of ungovernable rage".
The report and the concussion of the shots seemed to throw him at once from ungovernable rage into idiotic stupor.