Then perhaps it was no more than an unhappy coincidence.
But Stone's career does have its oddities, and, by unhappy coincidence, one of those oddities bears on that same vexed question of journalism and lunch.
But considering the amount of drug use in fashion now, and the number of magazines publishing such images, such an unhappy coincidence was bound to occur.
Mr. Wallack said yesterday that it was just an unhappy coincidence that the two outbreaks happened on the Horizon.
Which, by unhappy coincidence, is what the Government needs to borrow next year to keep the country running.
Mr. Oliensis said it was "an unhappy coincidence" that Dr. Carrillo was informed of the investigation shortly after his endorsement.
The chief of the district insists it is all an unhappy coincidence.
A mad captain and Rear-Admiral Goddard together in the same port are (for us) one of those unhappy coincidences, like a spark in a powder magazine.
Trobably merely an unhappy coincidence.
Their pediatrician is, by unhappy coincidence, named Dr. Kevorkian.