Sometimes an unhappy soul of a miser which roams about doing evil deeds is also described as Kukudhi.
There, an immense Buddha provides the backdrop for the table where two unhappy souls will intersect.
The ridicule which esthetes have been subjected to is the only way of blind unhappy souls who cannot find the way to beauty.
His low points were sad rather than villainous, revealing a lost and unhappy soul.
Something prompted him to add, "And for another and unhappier soul."
The auras of unhappy souls emit a deep, depressing green.
Had some unhappy soul been half buried here while the hold of the keep was occupied by the enemy?
Bathing in this sarovar is believed to offer peace to wandering and unhappy souls.
"No porcelain hands," I stated, probably with my unhappy soul in my face again.
The (for now) happy Soul enters and her voice contrasts with the unhappy souls.