Et also has an unhealthy attachment to her younger brother and is often doing things which she thinks is helping Enna out but causes more trouble for him instead.
A major in the NOL and afflicted with a rather unhealthy attachment to his brother, Ragna.
He suffers from an unhealthy attachment to his mother; whom he kisses on the mouth and speaks to several times daily.
It was all Mitch's fault, and God's judgement on Mitch's hasty ways and unhealthy attachment to outlander technology was about to land on all of them.
New Republic , April 21 (posted Friday, April 4) China retains an unhealthy attachment to Mao, argues the cover story.
For example, one of the causes of suffering is unhealthy attachment to objects material or non-material.
Prince appears to have an unhealthy attachment to his sister-which, often, she seems to reciprocate.
Susannah is part of Students Terminating Abusive Relationships, a support group that helps teenagers understand and extricate themselves from unhealthy attachments.
Since childhood, her brother developed an unhealthy attachment to her as his only anchor to sanity, going so far as to murder their parents to prevent being separated.
Every sin involves "an unhealthy attachment to creatures", purification from which is called the temporal punishment for sin (as opposed to the eternal punishment merited by mortal sin).