But parents can look in the mirror, recognize the unhealthy influence that popular culture has on them, and make a commitment to reject and resist it.
He offers Alan a bar of gold as a gift, but Alan turns him down, ending their friendship due to Chow's unhealthy influence on the group.
The mechanism has been crucial in insulating admissions from unhealthy influence.
There was some unnatural, unhealthy influence at work in the house.
I think he had an unhealthy influence on you.
New York City's courthouse jobs have long been dispensed by local political party machines, which still exert an unhealthy influence over the election of judges throughout the state.
I think she's an unhealthy influence.
(That refers not to spirituality, but to fighting unhealthy cultural influences.)
When we don't have clear limits, we can expose ourselves to unhealthy and destructive influences and people.
Obviously the strain of my position had worsened my psychoses so that I too felt an unhealthy influence from the actinium- power coursing through me.