After losing its original home, it is now in a cavernous, unheated space, ideal for big sculptures and cinematically scaled videos.
The unheated space also has to be vented to allow any accumulated moisture to escape to the outside.
In the garret, the stair rises into an unheated central space the width of the passage below.
The unheated space also must be equipped with vents to allow moisture to escape to the outside.
It is cold in the vast unheated space and his hands are raw at day's end.
There are eighteen warehouses, providing approximately 2.3 million square feet of unheated space and 300,000 square feet of controlled humidity space.
By tearing down a few unsightly sheds and taking out a few walls, then adding his own imagination plus some unheated space, he altered it forever.
An unheated space must also be vented to allow any moisture that accumulates to escape outdoors.
Forced air and convection heaters, he said, are typically used outdoors and in large, unheated spaces like detached garages, barns and greenhouses.
Yesterday, in the unheated space, Bobcat tractors bulldozed away the remaining debris.