The first spacer opened his mouth and unhesitatingly gave a fateful order.
Most of what he demanded, Ysandre gave unhesitatingly.
When our opinion was asked upon the subject, Good and I unhesitatingly gave it in favour of an advance.
"I unhesitatingly gave Durham my vote for best cathedral on planet Earth."
If any of my books were published in France, I should unhesitatingly give the royalties from them to the French blinded.
The judge, although acknowledging that Mr. Berry had never been convicted of a felony, unhesitatingly gave him the maximum sentence.
Ordinarily, I am the kind of mother who unhesitatingly gives her time to her children.
Women unhesitatingly gave the topic a serious context.
It was already slowly drifting back under the pull of the great pool at Chaos Keep; they unhesitatingly gave it a great shove!
Merry Loomis unhesitatingly gives the credit to Ericson.