A scholar of Middle Eastern history meditates on "holy war and unholy terror."
Rodrigo had spoken of his wife that night near Fezana as if she was an unholy terror.
And we'll be rich enough so that those who aren't nice will have to live in unholy terror of us.
Madame Riennes too and her unholy terrors had faded into the background.
"His words left me feeling the unholy terror of aloneness, and I envied his ability to face it."
She was an unholy terror.
"She's an unholy terror with a sword, but completely helpless under two unarmedseysehn rehkyt!"
And neither, for that matter is a fish, which is why we have such an unholy terror of sharks.
He could very well have been an unholy terror as a child.
There is nothing like the unholy terror of being caught in the hold of a sinking ship to take the romance out of the sea.