Can't the hawks who dragged us into this hideous unholy war at least pay attention to a crisis of American credibility that's exposing Iraq and the world to more dangers every day?
When they were fording a stream he was quoted as saying "Boys, this is an unholy war, but be careful to keep your powder boxes up and not get your powder wet."
It was an unholy war, and it was winner take all.
But the T'kaan fight an unholy war.
What about the unholy war?
And he had killed a brother for their part in an unholy war.
The usual result is that the Counselars employ methods that begin with politicking and, more often than not, result in a full-blown, unholy war.
Yeah, but there are more likely to be unholy wars.
For instance the Irish Times noticed that the "Syria Times attacks Bush's "unholy war" and his "imperialist strategy to control the Arab oil-rich region"".