The unhygienic condition of the jail and other harassment by officials took a toll of many activists.
Youth report long wait times and unhygienic conditions at clinics.
The living style of the Panniwala's was similar to the Shakhari people, they also due to their unhygienic condition.
They were provided with poor housing, unhygienic sanitary conditions, long working hours, poor wages and the list goes on.
Besides, the present central market was functioning under unhygienic condition.
With respect to unhygienic conditions, cells are too often soiled by their inmates.
Many families live in crowded, unhygienic conditions in refugee camps here and elsewhere where privacy does not exist.
Church officials said many babies fed the formula in unhygienic conditions die each year.
These individuals are huddled together under the most unhygienic conditions, totally uncared for and quite frequently ill-treated.
Avoid foods and beverages sold by street vendors in unhygienic conditions.