Below them bobs a waterlogged chunk of wood, and beyond that some unidentifiable bit of moss-covered and slimy debris.
Also, there was nothing but unidentifiable bits of twisted metal for a ballistics expert to find.
The only other person present was a single janitor bent over some unidentifiable bit of pipe.
Tall, burly, his mane of hair disordered, his tangled beard flecked with unidentifiable bits and chunks of matter too disgusting to contemplate, the ratman was a terrifying figure.
Silver wasn't bad to have; you could cut it up with a chisel and render the bits unidentifiable.
Dumping the nearly unidentifiable bit of metal into a crystal ashtray in the living room of the suite, he collapsed, exhausted, into a chair.
In seconds, only a swirling welter of oily bubbles, unidentifiable bits of flotsam, and dirty, creaming foam remained to mark the grave.
A froth of bubbles was rising to the surface, along with a few unidentifiable bits of debris.
Ford frowned at the grubby mattress, unwashed cups and unidentifiable bits of smelly alien underwear that lay around the cramped cabin.
There were some unidentifiable bits of old machinery in the corner, a few sacks of something, and a ladder going up to a large square hole.