The implicit message: Indian artists from across the ages are participants in one unified culture.
Only a single step remains, the jump to a unified culture.
The result wasn't a unified German culture that could easily be interpreted.
Your dream is to see all Thiopans joined together in one unified culture and society before you die.
As seen by many outsiders, China is a behemoth: the world's most populous country with a galloping economy and a more or less unified culture.
Ms. Lerman said the purpose of the Unisys name change was to create a unified corporate culture from two individual and competing cultures.
Resolved: When in conflict, the preservation of minority cultural values ought to be valued above the preservation of a unified national culture.
The ethnography of cyberspace is an important aspect of cyberculture that does not reflect a single unified culture.
Religious centers varied by region and with the establishment of the current capital of the unified culture that changed several times.
The British did nothing to change this, leaving the island in its divided state with no unified culture.