That is why we want to be able to practice tranquility and insight in a unified manner.
Social rule system theory is an attempt to formally approach different kinds of social rule systems in a unified manner.
The N-slit interferometric approach is one of several approaches applied to describe basic optical phenomena in a cohesive and unified manner.
If you don't understand something, ask now and not on Mercan, where we've got to act in a unified manner.
The Israeli government also said that it was up to the [international] community to act in a "concerted and unified manner" to fight terrorism.
Such a prescription is sure to provide a deeper understanding of beam-optics and polarization in a unified manner.
I believe that it is important that this area be regulated in a unified manner.
I am pleased to see that Europe has responded to this challenge in a rapid and unified manner.
And that will provide much stronger tools and infrastructure to carry out the tests next time in a more unified, rigorous and coherent manner.
There is also the additional objective of creating an environment which design, programming, testing, installation and maintenance can be performed in a unified manner.