But a kaleidoscope of comparisons may not be enough to make a unified structure.
Microsoft's success and ability to create innovative new products "would not have been possible but for Microsoft's unified structure."
For their new headquarters, they wanted a design that would reflect their multiple corporate interests in a unified structure.
It is a unified structure combining a dance floor and amphitheater-style steps for sitting or standing.
More recently, oil companies have streamlined business by merging subsidiaries and parent concerns into a unified structure with one stock.
In 1996 a joint project was launched to bring these two system together to create a unified structure.
Even though the society did have a unified structure, own laws and a centralized leadership, it turned to be working only when the revolution began.
And the bridge above was not a single unified structure.
"The problem with this deal is that there is no unified common structure," he said.
The proposal would create a more unified structure with two categories of courts.